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Writing is Lonely…

BUT You Don’t Need to Write Alone

Writing Muscles are Built by Sharing

As a newbie writer I struggled to understand what writing demanded of me.

I worked alone and no one I knew- in my family or friends- was a writer… So there was no conversation, no way to understand

What works?

What doesn’t?

Are my doubts valid or are they just making a mess of my head?

My newsletter is an attempt to help writers, like you, sort out these questions and find a space to talk about writing and ALL that it entails…

Join the ‘Write’ conversation…

Join the ‘Write’ Conversation!


My name is Nishka Rathi…

I call myself an Ideology Empath and I help business leaders conceptualise, structure and write books that connect their ideas to a wider audience.

I started writing in 2008 and as I wrote I taught myself how to become a bridge for communicating ideas. It has been a learning journey and the ONE thing I always felt I lacked was a community that understands my pain points…where I can ask for help and get practical advice…

because I believe that we all can write if we can get rid of some of the doubts and find some good advice…

 You will get practical advice and a peek into a writers struggles and wins in my Write Tribe newsletter…PLUS you can always ask me your questions:)

copyright 2021